I was invited to sit on the Jury of the 2017 German Design Award and spent a very stimulating two days judging last week in Frankfurt with the German Design Council. The German Design Council was established as a Foundation in 1953 as a far-sighted initiative of the German Bundestag (the lower house of German Parliament).
Forty-four judges worked in small specialist teams to scrutinise 4,058 entries across 49 categories ranging from Household and Retail through Baby and Child Care to Audio Visual, Interactive User Experience and Apps. I was judging in a team with fellow jurors Michael Richter, (Founding Partner Iconmobile Group and Professor at the Hochschüle Darmstadt), and Deutsche Telekom's Philipp Thesen, (Senior Vice President, Lead Design).
The Awards Ceremony for the winners will be held in February 2017 during Ambiente.
The German Design Council (Rat für Formgebung) also publishes Design Report.

The Awards Ceremony for the winners will be held in February 2017 during Ambiente.
The German Design Council (Rat für Formgebung) also publishes Design Report.
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